How Incircuit Test Systems Are Optimizing Circuit Boards Everywhere – Free Computer Tips

Ces, Inc. can be a great resource for any of your calibration needs and incircuit testing requirements. Let’s take a look at how these measuring systems operate.

The goal of an incirucit test system is to find manufacturing defect and to reduce the labor involved in the functional tests. The defects could be discovered earlier, opening up an opportunity for improvement prior to the test for functional.

These defects can include resistance, capacitation, open circuits as well as shortages. These may occur by way of:

Tombstones are unintentionally attached or secured parts that hang off the circuit board and create the risk of falling off.
Solder Shorts: A poor soldering could affect the electrical bond , which is vital for proper functioning of the circuit. The whole circuit may remain inactive if soldering isn’t done properly or if there are no connections formed.
Broken Pin: A component not properly connected on the circuit board could result in damage.

Fixtures are used to connect to the system, and then identify glaring problems. The fixture is able to communicate with you to tell where your circuit board passed the test, and also where it’s losing power or connections. Bravo Techincal Services LLC is your go-to source for reliable incircuit testing devices.