Questions to Ask Before Hiring an Injury Attorney – The Buy Me Blog

It is recommended to hire an attorney to represent you. Every injury lawyer is not exactly the same, and you must conduct research. Find out the questions you should consult with your injury attorney prior to taking a decision.

You can first ask if you are licensed in the same state for my accident or injury. This is vital because it is illegal and unethical for them to represent you if they don’t hold a valid license.

You can also ask if the case manager handles your case or will allow you to talk with them. Though case managers could have more knowledge than attorneys and attorneys, they’re not necessarily knowledgeable more about law. It is important to be aware of who you will be dealing with.

3. When can I expect phone calls to be answered? The company may say it takes a few days, but at the very least, you’ll know when to expect it.

Finally, you should ask them to tell you about the experience they have with personal injury cases. You want an injury attorney that is experienced since attorneys become better as they handle more cases, and have improved their negotiation skills.

Check out the video below to find out more about injury attorneys before you hire them.
